- "The auburn hair of his youth turned a dark brown and then white." http://presidentialham.com/category/u-s-presidents/page/3/
Sunday, 30 June 2019
807) Rutherford B. Hayes
- "The auburn hair of his youth turned a dark brown and then white." http://presidentialham.com/category/u-s-presidents/page/3/
Saturday, 29 June 2019
806) Caroline Louise Dudley (Mrs. Leslie Carter)
Carter's ascendancy in the theatrical world was fictionalized and sensationalized in Lady with Red Hair (1940), portrayed by Miriam Hopkins. Claude Rains portrayed David Belasco.
- "She attended the Cooper Seminary in Dayton, where her abundant red hair earned her the nickname Carrot Top." https://books.google.it/books…
- "It was said she was not beautiful, but had red hair down to her knees, one shade hotter than Titian, with a temperament to match." https://books.google.it/books…
- "Critics found promise in her fiery red hair, green eyes, and willowy figure, though her performance was considered a tad unrestrained." https://www.encyclopedia.com/…/…/carter-mrs-leslie-1862-1937
- "Needing an income and following up on a long-held urge to act on stage, she approached Broadway showman David Belasco, who described her as "a pale, slender, red-haired girl with a pair of green eyes." https://www.reformer.com/…/bernard-a-drew-our-berkshires-st…
Friday, 28 June 2019
805) Solomon Schechter
- "With a large shock of red hair, he had an engaging robustness about him... Mignon Rubenovitz, the wife of prominent Conservative Rabbi Herman Rubenovitz , mentions both the red hair and the temper: 'He had blue eyes and red hair, ...quick to anger." https://www.academia.edu/2…/Solomon_Schechter_Missing_Person
- "With his full beard, his curly red hair and his thick Yiddish accent..." https://books.google.it/books…
Thursday, 27 June 2019
804) Fawzi al-Qawuqji
- "Like the blue eyes and red hair el-Husseini, with his scarred face, his thick neck and his closely cropped red hair, el Kaukji bore a closer resemblance to a Prussian officer than to an Arab chief." http://derfreiwilligen.blogspot.com/…/…/fawzi-el-kaukji.html
- "With red hair and blue eyes, he looked more German than Arab." https://books.google.it/books…
803) Amin al-Husseini
He was the scion of a family of Jerusalemite notables, who trace their origins to the eponymous grandson of Muhammad.
- "Al-Hajj Amin, twenty-one years old and with unusually red hair and deep blue eyes, was the spirit of the young Palestinians' movement." https://books.google.it/books…
- "Hajj Amin, a striking figure with blue eyes, reddish hair and a trimmered beard, belonged to one of Jerusalem's most illustrious Arab families." https://books.google.it/books…
- "And Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem who managed to end the 1936 Arab strike and guerrilla attacks overnight while British forces in Palestine proved powerless, was a “short, cautious and rather delicate-looking man with red hair, blue eyes and a lisp”. https://www.newstatesman.com/…/10/british-french-france-arab
802) Hubert Renfro Knickerbocker
Hubert Renfro Knickerbocker (1898 – 1949). American journalist and author.
In 1931, as a correspondent for the New York Evening Post and the
Philadelphia Public Ledger, he won the Pulitzer Prize for "a series of
articles on the practical operation of the Five Year Plan in Russia".
Knickerbocker was a journalist, noted for reporting on German politics before and during World War II. On December 1, 1930, Knickerbocker interviewed Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's mother, Keke Geladze, in Tbilisi for the New York Evening Post through a Georgian interpreter.
In 1932 he traveled across Europe for the book Does Europe Recover. He interviewed many state leaders, amongst them Benito Mussolini, and the second-most important person of Germany's NSDAP Party, Gregor Strasser. His report on Italian fascism is full of praise for the regime's "stability". He also praises Strasser's "left wing" of NSDAP party and the Papen government's semi-dictatorship. There is no hint of a warning about Nazism in the book but rather a recommendation for its success in Italy.
Back in America, after Hitler's reign of terror became the face of NSDAP, he began writing about the threat of Nazism. In 1936 he covered the Spanish Civil War for the Hearst Press group. Like other foreign reporters, his work was progressively hampered by the rebel authorities, who finally arrested Knickerbocker in April 1937 and deported him shortly after.
After World War II, Knickerbocker went to work for radio station WOR, in Newark, New Jersey. He was on assignment with a team of journalists touring Southeast Asia when they were all killed in a plane crash near Bombay, India (modern day Mumbai), on July 12, 1949.
-"He was nicknamed "Red" from the color of his hair." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Renfro_Knickerbocker
- "Knickerbocker had a shock of red hair that made him easy to recognize even at a distance." https://books.google.it/books…
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
801) Ion Antonescu
Sunday, 23 June 2019
800) Carlotta Grisi
799) Pierina Legnani
She was titled prima ballerina for La Scala in 1892, before moving to St Petersburg in 1892, where she reached fame dancing with the Tsar's Imperial Ballet at the Maryinsky Theatre until 1901.
Under the direction of famous ballet choreographer Marius Petipa, Legnani originated numerous roles including, 'Cinderella' in 1893, 'Swan Lake' in 1895, 'Raymonda' in 1898, and 'Carmargo' in 1901. She is widely reputed to be the first ballerina to perform 32 fouettés en tournant in the coda of the Grand Pas d'action of the ballet Cinderella. Legnani herself denied this claim, saying “I never did 32; I could barely manage 24.”
She is the first ballerina to be appointed prima ballerina assoluta.
798) Janet Reed
Thursday, 20 June 2019
797) John MacBride
In 1903 he married Maud Gonne and the following year they had a son, Seàn. They separated in 1905.
796) Maud Gonne
In 1903 she married John MacBride and the following year they had a son, Seàn. They separated in 1905.
- "According to his biographer R F Foster, Maud Gonne appeared to Yeats "majestic, unearthly… Immensely tall, bronze-haired, with a strong profile and beautiful skin, she was a fin-de-siecle beauty in Valkyrie mode". https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31064648