Thursday, 28 May 2020

1293) Adriano Olivetti

Adriano Olivetti (1901 - 1960). Italian engineer, politician and industrialist whose entrepreneurial activity thrived on the idea that profit should be reinvested for the benefits of the whole society. He was son of the founder of Olivetti, Camillo Olivetti. Adriano Olivetti was known worldwide during his lifetime as the Italian manufacturer of Olivetti typewriters, calculators, and computers.
Olivetti was an entrepreneur and innovator who transformed shop-like operations into a modern factory. In and out of the factory, he both practiced and preached the utopian system of "the community movement," but he never managed to build a mass following. In his company, apart from managers and technicians, he enrolled a large number of artists like writers and architects, following his deep interest in design and urban and building planning that were closely linked with his personal utopian vision.
Father of Roberto and Lidia

- "Ha gli occhi azzurri, i capelli rossi, è notevolmente intelligente... [He is blue-eyed, red-haired, very intelligent...]…

- "Adriano Olivetti è un uomo piuttosto basso, tarchiato, dai capelli arruffati un tempo rossi e ora grigi; [Adriano Olivetti is a rather short and stocky man, with messy hair once red and now gray.]…

- "Adriano aveva allora la barba, una barba incolta e ricciuta, di un colore fulvo; aveva lunghi capelli biondo-fulvi, che s’arricciolavano sulla nuca, ed era grasso e pallido. [Adriano had then an unkempt and curly beard, of an auburn colour; he had long and blond-auburn hair, which curled on his nape, and he was fat and pale.]…/…

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