Tuesday 16 July 2019

837) Marianne Moore

Marianne Craig Moore (1887 – 1972). American modernist poet, critic, translator, and editor. Her poetry is noted for formal innovation, precise diction, irony, and wit.

- "... side by side with a portrait of Marianne Moore, seen first ''with her bright red hair / in braids wound twice around her head, / as long as that. She's the same age as my mother.' ' https://archive.nytimes.com/…/03/revi…/970803.03tillint.html

- "I had never seen a picture of Miss Moore; all I knew was that she had red hair and usually wore a wide-brimmed hat."  https://www.brainpickings.org/…/elizabeth-bishop-efforts-o…/

- "Marianne a stick of a woman, fence rail with a magnificent head of red hair..."  https://books.google.it/books…

- "She had brilliant red hair and called everyone she knew with the name of animals."  http://vcencyclopedia.vassar.edu/alumni/elizabeth-bishop.html

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