Sunday 25 August 2019

1036) Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith

Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith (1905 – 1982). American sportswriter. Smith’s journalistic career spans over five decades and his work influenced an entire generation of writers. Smith became the second sports columnist ever to win the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary in 1976. Writing in 1989, sportswriter David Halberstam called Smith "the greatest sportswriter of the two eras."

- "He would be pleased as he grew up to be nicknamed “Brick,” because of the color of his hair. After college, he would begin to be called “Red,” and remained “Red” long after his hair had receded from his high forehead and turned white. [...] He described himself as being “distinguished by flaming hair, milk-bottle glasses... [...] Add to this a freckled face and some red hair and brains, and you have ‘Brick.’…/redbi…/redbiographyofre01berk_djvu.txt

- "In his later years, his once bright red hair had turned white.

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